Domestic flights have been resumed in India since 25 May. At the same time, strict rules have been introduced for passengers, Minister of Civil Aviation of India Hardip Puri said on his page on the microblog network Twitter. Passengers need to arrive at the airport two hours before departure. It is necessary to carry medical masks and gloves. Only passengers whose flight will take place in the next four hours are allowed to enter the airport terminal. At the same time, before entering the airport terminal the passenger passes a thermal inspection. In addition, each passenger must have a smartphone on which the Aarogya Setu application must be installed, and in this application the passenger must have a green status, which indicates that the passenger has no suspicion of COVID-19. If there is no green status, the airport will not be allowed. Luggage carts will only be available on request. All luggage will be disinfected before entering the terminal. At the entrance to the terminal ther...